Support ARDC: Download films, autographed books and audio books

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is currently pristine wilderness: the heart of an ecosystem the size of California.  But some oil companies and the lawmakers that they buy (like Ted Stevens) want to turn this amazing place into:


A massive development with thousands of miles of roads of pipelines, living quarters for thousands of people, seven air strips, two ports in the Arctic Ocean, hundreds of toxic pits and hundreds of oil spills a year as we see at Prudhoe Bay.  This is the place where more than a hundred thousand caribou go to give birth to 40,000+ calves every year.  These caribou feed the native Gwich'in and Inupiat peoples, as well as grizzly bear, wolves, Arctic fox, golden eagle and much more.

Latest News

  • Climate Change web broadcast #2: April 20, 2009
  • Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign launches campaign to raise the urgency of the climate crisis to the number one issue and demand strong federal legislation immediately to slash greenhouse gas emissions
  • With Ted Stevens' conviction, drilling supporters should reconsider (November 5, 2008)
  • Ted Stevens found guilty for failing to disclose gifts by oil company
  • Author Chad Kister releases section of upcoming Arctic Melting second edition
  • Cindy Shogan: Lame-Duck Land Grab - Washington Post (October 22, 2008)
  • Rosemary Ahtuangaruak: Big Oil’s Broken Promises - New Mexico Wild (Fall 2008)
  • Erin Ryan: Arctic oil project would destroy sensitive area - Hickory Daily Record, NC (October 16, 2008)
  • Lois Norrgard: Going into ANWR is just not worth it - Fargo In-Forum, ND (October 11, 2008)
  • Veronica Farmer: Beware Big Oil’s tall tales - The Phoenix, Philadelphia (October 11, 2008)
  • Susan Schneller: Oil pipelines form a web of destruction - The Times of Trenton, NJ (October 10, 2008)
  • Leslie Gasciogne: Arctic Drilling: When Is 2000 Acres Not 2000 Acres? - The Santa Barbara Independent, CA (October 9, 2008)
  • Sharon Collette: Big Oil telling tall tale - The Athens Banner-Herald, Athens, GA (October 5, 2008)
  • Rev. Carleton Schaller: The Gwich’in and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Littleton Courier, NH (October 1, 2008)
  • Arctic Activists Kohm, Alexander Visit Caldwell - The Progress, NJ (September 18, 2008) Read More »

ARDC Media coverage

Battle Creek Enquirer, Michigan preliminary coverage of Kister talk

Battle Creek Enquirer, Michigan post coverage of Kister talk

Fosters New Hampshire Newspaper coverage

LA TV program, half hour (requires high speed connection, 800 megabytes)

Dayton City Paper Cover Article on Arctic Refuge

Schedule a slide show in your home town!  Contact (740) 707-4110 if you can schedule an event.

Slide Presentation organizing tools

Thanks to: Alaska Coalition    and   Alaska Wilderness League

Arctic National Wildlife Defense Campaign media coverage

Arctic Quest Author to tour January through February press release

New Republican Congress disastrous for Arctic Refuge: Time to take action!  

Write call and fax your Senator and Representative today -- and every day!

Schedule a slide show in your home town!  Contact (740) 707-4110 if you can schedule an event.

For event organizers, here are some resources:

·         Organizing the Arctic Quest slide presentation

·         Checklist for organizing the presentation

·         Click here for a sample color flier (download and open in Word 2000)

·         Click here for a sample black and white flier (download and open in Word 2000)

·         Click here for a sample press release

Watch the latest Arctic Refuge videos

Caribou People: a 35 minute film by author and Arctic explorer Chad Kister

You Tube Chicago Polar bear Survival Tour: 

Part 1


Part 3 

Part 4 

Part 5 

Part 6

Take Action
  • Please call 1-877-666-3394 and urge your representative to vote in favor of the American Climate and Energy Security Act to invest in clean renewable energy and combat climate change.

  • Take Action to protect the Polar Bear (by May 9, 2009)

  • Coming soon (once the comment period is open): take action to support the EPA proposed regulation of greenhouse gas emissions

  • Expose the 2,000 Acre Hoax

    Rep. Boehlert said it best in 2003: "The proponents of drilling add insult to injury with their spurious arguments in favor of drilling.  It is only a few thousand acres, they say.  That is like saying, do not worry, the tumor is only in your lungs.  The drilling will have impacts that will affect wildlife throughout the area."  ...
    Take Action

  • Drilling Is Almost Here... Help Us Stop It!

    The House of Representatives voted to end the moratorium on new offshore drilling.  Big Oil can smell drilling on the horizon, and they're getting even greedier – now they want to get their hands on the Arctic Refuge, too... ...
    Take Action

Write call and fax your Senator and Representative today.  Ask that they support making the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge wilderness

Write letter

Purchase books, CDs and DVDs with all proceeds going to the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign to help spread the word about the need to protect the refuge

Schedule a presentation

With the Arctic Refuge again under threat, both by proponents of drilling and the impacts of climate change, the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign is working to schedule multi-media presentations around the U.S. and Canada.  If you are interested in scheduling a talk, please contact ARDC coordinator Chad Kister (740) 707-4110, (740) 753-3888 or

Slide Presentation organizing tools


This is a great way to keep this issue alive, and get local media attention.  It is through these grassroots efforts by numerous organizations that we have managed to protect the refuge from more than a hundred attempts to drill thus far.



web design by Chad Kister