Excerpt from Chad Kister’s upcoming second edition to Arctic Melting:
How Climate Change is Destroying One of the World’s Largest Wilderness
Areas with Common Courage Press.
Release October 27, 2008.
With someone so beholden to the oil industry, it should not
be a surprise that a jury found Senator Ted Stevens guilty of
failing to report gifts by the oil company Veco, for which
has worked to give massive contracts.
The verdict followed an
investigation by the FBI and IRS for allegedly accepting oil
industry bribes
for political favors.
Oil consulting firm Veco hired contractors that more than
doubled the size of Stevens’ home in 2000. On July 30,
FBI agents arrived with a locksmith at about noon at
resort. Half a dozen federal agents parked at the house, with
10 more federal vehicles parking a few blocks away at the ski
They had the blinds down while they searched the house,
and one carried out a black trash bag of stuff. One FBI agent
media that they were investigating whether Stevens’ paid
the work, and whether it was a bribe. The IRS is
whether Stevens accepted monetary benefits without paying
on them.
Ted Stevens’ son, Ben Stevens, allegedly received $284,000
for phony consulting fees from Veco while he was the state
president. Four former Alaskan legislators are charged with
bribed by the oil industry. Veco CEO Bill Allen, who oversaw
work on Ted Stevens’ house, plead guilty in May, 2007 to
state legislators. He has agreed to cooperate with
investigation. Veco allegedly held “the pig roast”
fundraisers for the
representative, and gave Young $157,000 through their
and political action committee between 1996 and 2006.
Young talks like an oil company. On May 18, 2006 he lied
to the House of Representatives in a successful effort to
a global warming resolution that had passed the Senate. Young
said that other countries burn as many barrels of oil as the
States burns today. In fact, the
oil in 2005, while the second largest user,
7 million barrels. Young also said polar bears are increasing
numbers, another lie that is well documented earlier in this
First Personal Encounter With Ted Stevens
After backpacking for two weeks in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge in August, 2005, my bush pilot landed on the
familiar airstrip for the Inupiat
in the
our plane and asked the pilot how the weather was, because
Senator was flying in. I asked which Senator, to which he
said Ted
Stevens. I rushed to get cleaned up as fast as I could, then
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over to the meeting at the community building.
Stevens held the meeting to try to show support for oil
drilling, but he found quite the opposite. I entered the
and Senator Stevens was talking to citizens.
I shook his hand and said I had just returned from the refuge
two hours ago, and that the area needed to be protected from
Stevens said, “son, I’ve been working to open up that
area since before you were born.” In fact, Stevens spoke
for the
protection of the coastal plain area when he was a state
senator in
the 1950s. It was only when he got close with the oil
industry that
he changed his stand on drilling in the area.
His aids then tried to push me outside. I said no, this was
a public meeting, and that I would stay. I then tried to take
photograph, and even though the rest of the people were
the Senator said that no, I would not be allowed to take a
because I was not media. I said I was media, that I was
articles for the Yukon News, and also books and was working
a documentary.
I sat in the front of the meeting. As the Senator said that
the 1980 legislation stated that the 1002 area would be
to oil development after study, I began to shake my head in
opposition. That legislation in fact said the area should
remain as wilderness, or be opened to oil development with a
future Congress needing to make that decision after studying
issue: a big difference. The Senator then stopped his talk
and said
that he would have me removed if I continued to shake my
This is blatant intimidation. While I did stop shaking my
head, because I wanted to cover the meeting and not be
removed, fearing it would harm my video camera and 25 hours
footage for my Caribou People film, this action was very
wrong. It
showed the tyranical and abusive nature of a Senator that
does not
understand the democratic process of the
acting as a dictator that everyone must follow.
While he spouts misinformation about how the residents
of Kaktovik supposedly are all in favor of development, in
Robert Thompson told the Senator he had a petition with 60
names on it opposing development. With 98 votes cast in the
election, this is a majority of the voting public in the
small village.
This shows that the oil proponents’ argument that the
Inupiat in
Kaktovik are in favor of oil development is not true.
At the end of the meeting, I said the Arctic National
Refuge needs to be protected, and we need to save the bowhead
whale (which would be harmed by the proposed offshore
development). I was then forcibly pushed out of the meeting
Secret Service Agents and the same police officer that I had
at the airstrip.