Latest News (updated October 27, 2008)
- Ted Stevens found guilty for failing to
disclose gifts by oil company
- Author Chad Kister
releases section of upcoming Arctic Melting second edition
- Cindy
Shogan: Lame-Duck Land Grab - Washington Post (October 22, 2008)
- Rosemary
Ahtuangaruak: Big Oil’s Broken Promises - New Mexico Wild (Fall 2008)
- Erin
Ryan: Arctic oil project would destroy sensitive area - Hickory Daily
Record, NC (October 16, 2008)
- Lois
Norrgard: Going into ANWR is just not worth it - Fargo In-Forum, ND
(October 11, 2008)
- Veronica
Farmer: Beware Big Oil’s tall tales - The Phoenix, Philadelphia
(October 11, 2008)
- Susan
Schneller: Oil pipelines form a web of destruction - The Times of
Trenton, NJ (October 10, 2008)
- Leslie
Gasciogne: Arctic Drilling: When Is 2000 Acres Not 2000 Acres? - The
Santa Barbara Independent, CA (October 9, 2008)
- Sharon
Collette: Big Oil telling tall tale - The Athens Banner-Herald, Athens,
GA (October 5, 2008)
- Rev.
Carleton Schaller: The Gwich’in and the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge - Littleton Courier, NH (October 1, 2008)
- Arctic
Activists Kohm, Alexander Visit Caldwell - The Progress, NJ (September
18, 2008) Read More »