Time-line Checklist for Organizing the
Arctic Refuge Slide Show
following is a suggested timeline for organizing the Caribou Commons show:
1) Upon confirmation of venue
a) Review all organizer materials
b) Reserve suitable room.
2) As soon as possible
a) Compile press list and list of
interested organizations/people.
b) Determine all media and
organization’s deadlines
c) Send out information for
d) Contact people/organizations
for help: delegate responsibilities.
3) Three weeks before show
a) Send out press releases and
call to ensure they reached the
correct person.
b) Deliver PSAs to media.
c) Deliver “Coming Events”
4) Two weeks before show
a) Put up first wave of posters.
b) Send out letters of invitation
to members of organizations.
5) 10 days before show
a) Confirm room arrangements
b) Make 2nd round of press
release follow-up calls.
6) One week before show
a) Initiate “phonebanking” calls
b) Follow-up calls about PSAs
c) confirm last minute arrangements
Chad (chadkister@gmail.com)
Any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact Chad at (740) 707-4110 or chadkister@gmail.com